
Five for Friday

Well, try again I will. It's three weeks later, but it's on the right day at least.

1 // I'm not sure I can really be a blogger. I LOVE blogs, but really I like reading other blogs more than I like trying to be a blogger. We'll see, maybe I can catch on someday.

2 // I'm planning a bridal shower for my sister, which is next weekend (yikes!). I don't have everything done, but I know what needs to be done. My deadline is Sunday afternoon at 4pm. I'm on it!

3 // Spring visited, but fluttered away. Highs in the low 40s for the next week. That's 10-15 degrees below normal people. Last weekend I cut back my hydrangas and pulled some wild(?) onions. I'm ready for the real deal here.

4 // I've run two mornings in each of the past two weeks. Better than nothing, I say. Oddly, on those mornings, I actually am more organized, ready, and ahead of schedule than on any other day. Maybe I need to do this morning running thing more often? (A resounding yes!)

5 // Family. Sigh. I have a few awkward relationship with my family. Odd to admit, but it's true. It's weird and uncomfortable, but it comes down to the fact that we don't communicate well. I don't know how to fix it, but I hope I can overcome it. I want my family to be different. Here's to change.


Five for Friday (on the Monday after)

Lists are good. I think I'll go with lists as a way to actually keep up an attempt to blog.

(Ok, it's Monday, but I'm writing this as if it were last Friday. Bear with me here, ok?)

1 // this week at work i came across a negative comment someone made about me. it was an interesting experience for me to see this comment written in print, and it was equally enlightling to me personally to discover how it made me feel. unlike what i might have expected my reaction to be, i was suprised that i was not angry or upset but rather i was energized and motivated by it. the comment was unsubstantiated and after about .5 seconds of thinking about it, i quickly came to the conclusion that i shouldn't worry about it. the commenter make herself look silly so i wasn't going to make myself look foolish as well by responding in a negative manner. obviously, i am still thinking about it so the effect of the comment has lingered, but i still feel motivated and almost freed by it.

2 // wyatt turned nine months old last week (photos forthcoming). he weighs 21 lbs, 5 ozs and is 28.5 inches long.

3 // so ready for spring. so ready! love the days (just one or two a week at this point) with sun shining, birds chirping, even it if is only 45 degrees. last week, i even saw some daffodils pushing up. happiness.

4 // my sugar addiction needs to stop. why am i so lacking motivation on this front? i've been carrying around my food diary for a few weeks now, thinking that one day i'll just start using it again. not yet, unfortunately.

5 // did i mention spring?!