

In the past week...

(1) The Internet ate our computer. Urgghh. Thankfully, it is now fixed and restored, and everything is now properly backed up. Back up your files people!!

(2) I caught a cold or something quite unpleasant which morphed into a bacterial infection. I finally went to the doctor yesterday after 10 days of  eye watering, sore throat, conjestion, and general grossness. I couldn't even take a day off during that stretch because there were so many things on my calendar and no one to cover for me. Today, though, I finally took a day to catch up on myself and rest. Hopefully this and antibiotics will help.

(3) I finally took W's eight month pictures.

(4) I made red velvet cake balls and my personal recipe oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for an adoption shower. For decorations, I made MS tissue paper poms-poms and the cutest ladybug decorations (that I, of course, did not take a picture of).

(5) Now, I'm working on bridal shower invites for my sisters bridal shower in April.

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