
Starting Fresh

Seven or eight months ago, my life was on a different track. I was consumed with traveling to places I'd never been, running faster than I've ever run, rowing semi-competitively with big goals. Life was full and busy and good.

Now, May 11, 2010, and I am exactly four weeks removed from a date in my life that I, by choice, didn't intend to let happen. But, it did. And, well, here I am.

In that time lapse, I've been considering this blog as a reflection of my life. When I started this, I had one direction in mind, but now the direction has changed. My seven month pause was necessary for me to begin to sort out this new direction and to reflect on how to proceed. What do I want this to be? I'm filled with self-doubt. I don't want to "mess up." The perfectionist in me doesn't even want to start because I might fail. But, I need to be accountable to myself, and starting fresh again with this little project is a way to do that.

Here goes nothing...

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