Lately, I've started to realize that I might actually enjoy cooking. I used to dislike cooking a lot, primarily because I wasn't familiar with different foods or ingredients. I grew up on a strict meat and potatoes diet with some canned vegetables thrown in. But, now I'm opening myself up to new food types and even trying to prepare a few new recipies every month. I've started to enjoy putting together a meal and trying new recipies.
The husband and I often make homemade pizza rather than ordering out. We used to purchase premade crusts from the grocery store, but he recently mentioned his mom's homemade pizza crust so I decided to try one for myself. I used
PW's homemade pizza crust recipe (half was used for this; the other half is in my freezer for a future use). It turned out quite well. The before is below. My half: spinach and Roma tomatoes; his half: mushrooms, green peppers and onions and pepperoni. We were both happy and the homemade crust was easy as could be.